Albert E.

"If A equals success, then the formula is: A=X+Y+Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut."

luni, 31 martie 2008

My Birthday list of possible gifts...(or at least what I would hope to get)

Well let me introduce myself,
the radiant, deviant, absolutely gorgeously looking guy above is none other than me...
Yeah...right, but then, I might be a bit over'confindent with my looks, but only a bit...
Now about the thing that I was meaning to talk about....
well IT"S MY B"DAY (birthday 4 those who don't know)
It's monday on the 7th of APRIL.....
And as I usually either get the most stupid and useless gifts ever, and of course because of my unbaring and annoing courtesy I can't say anything, at most nod in acceptance and receive the gift, or better yet, I don't get them at all and then I can just sob about my pittyful giftless day... (but with a bit of luck that won't be the case...I hope at least!!!).
So, without further's the list:

*candles (as many as possible, all shapes all sizes)

*fairy books

*books... (ibooks or digital are more than wellcome)

*really crazy underwear, boxers (the crazier the colour, shape, type, pattern the the way I'm an "S" or at most an "M" (underwear)
*a laptop bag or case
*small laptop mouse

*Music - Gabriel Fauré's Requiem, Opera in general

*Any old jewellery or antiques of any sort... (I love antiquities)

*flowers (and the POT is mendatory (in ghiveci adica)

*Tea (of any sorts....)

*Tea related things (mugs, tea pots, tea filters)

*Aromatical and/or esential oils (any sorts...surprize me)

*Fountain pen

*Cool agendas/diary

*a pair of red Converse

*Chocolate (black...the darker the better...hi hi hi)

*Movies (DVDs... CDs...anything that is good and you think that I would consider watching...
seen any good porn lately?)


*B'day Cards

*Jazz scores

*ties (cravate)...plane black (I'm a bit short on those) or any other cool colour or pattern

*hmmm..... any arty stuff

*pay for a tatoo and/or a cool piercing... or just buy me the piercing and I'll make my own hole

*any cool T'shirts (and they have to be S, or XS.... and meybe green...)

*sex toys (this is here just for fun, but hey... all gifts are more than wellcome, shock me if U can)

*any crazy stuff that you can think off..... it just has to be cool
Ultimately I really don't care what U bring just as long as you actually try to put some effort into the whole thing....

Why do we build great walls?

Is it to keep people out,

is it to keep us in, is it to protect us from ourself,

or others from ourself...

Experiment #1

Dragii mei prieteni... Cum eu şi sper cã mulţi din voi sunteţi nişte militanţi ai culturii şi a cultivãrii frumosului, vreau sã va ofer şansa de a cultiva frumosul şi cultura prin un experiment... In acest articol veţi gãsi un santuar al libertaţii, şi prin asta vreau sã negaţi tot ce ţine de frumos, de cultura, de civilizaţie, de literaturã, de artã şi aşa mai departe... Vreau cu ajutorul vostru sã învaţãm din contraste... acestea fiind scurt În acest sapţiu vreau sã scrieţi tot ce vã vine "rãu" in minte...agramatisme, cele mai urâte şi mai triviale înjuraturi pe care le-aţi auzit vreodata sau care aţi vrut vreodatã sã le adresaţi cuiva (evident totul sub o aurã de “ANONIMAT”), perle, reproşuri, blesteme, expresii de “baltã”...(aţi prins ideea).
Ideea de baza a experimentului este sã vedem panã unde se poate întinde prostia, arta urâtului si a degradarii şi in felul acesta, (dat fiind natura comentarilor, pe care vã încurajez sa le faceţi fãrã sã fiţi logaţi, astfel ca anonimatul sa se conserve) sã vã înlãture orice inhibiţie sau timiditate şi sã va dea prilejul de a vã descarca de cuvintele de o candoare murdarã pe care mulţi din voi le-aţi inmagazinat de-alungul anilor. Deci, in concluzie, deoarece, cum urmeazã....hav fun: